What are Non-Surgical Facelifts?

What are Non-Surgical Facelifts?

Non Surgical Facelift
More and more people living in Glasgow are choosing to use cosmetic treatments to eliminate signs of aging in the face and neck area through a facelift treatment.

Now, if you are considering cosmetic treatment for the very first time, the thought of a facelift can be scary.

Despite advances in technology and the expertise of the qualified doctors carrying out surgical facelifts meaning that the procedure is actually much safer than most people believe and the risk of complications is incredibly low, this is still one of the most invasive surgeries you can get.

Surgical facelifts involve making incisions in the skin of the neck and/or face, reshaping the contours of the face, before pulling the skin tight, removing any excess, and closing the wounds.

Many people, who are concerned about the thought of surgery under general aenesthetic, but would still like to enjoy all the fantastic aesthetic benefits a facelift provides, opt instead for a relatively new procedure known as a non-surgical facelift.

Non-surgical facelifts using filler injections are not new, and do offer many of the same effects as a facelift, but these need to be redone every few months and are not a true replacement option.

A non-surgical facelift using FaceTite, however, a revolutionary radiofrequency treatment that tightens skin and increases elasticity for upwards of 5 years, is exactly that and more and more Glasgow residents are taking this option.

Before reading this article, there is a good chance that you didn’t even know that non-surgical facelifts existed, so this guide is designed to give you all the information that you need.

What is FaceTite?

Here at Luxe Skin we offer true non-surgical facelift using a proven combination of radio frequency assisted liposuction and a face tightening procedure known as FaceTite.

FaceTite is a procedure that tightens sagging skin, reduces fat, and eliminates wrinkles and other signs of aging.

It is a completely non-surgical procedure that is perfect for those who are looking to a more youthful appearance without having to go through the uncomfortable and much longer surgical alternative.

As we age our skin loses much of the collagen that creates elasticity in the skin. This can result in many of what we would describe as common signs of aging such as wrinkles in the face and jowls and sagging in the neck area.

FaceTite is a revolutionary procedure that reverses many of these signs by using radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and increase collagen production.

As a minimally invasive procedure, there is very little downtime associated with FaceTite and you should be back on your feet after just a couple of days, compared to the weeks of downtime required after surgery.

One of the best things about FaceTite is that due to the increase in collagen production that is instigated by the procedure results will continue to improve long after the initial treatment is carried out in the clinic.

The best results will begin to show after around 6 months and last for many years to come (up to 10).

Most patients will benefit from a top-up FaceTite treatment every 5 years.

Why choose a Non-Surgical facelift?

Both surgical and non-surgical facelifts can help you achieve a younger looking appearance, increase confidence, and create a more vibrant smoother looking complexion.

The benefits of choosing a non-surgical facelift include:

Reduced Downtime

The 2-month long recovery period is one of the main things that put people off a surgical facelift, as you undoubtedly have to take some time off work to recover whilst scars heal.

With a non-surgical face-lift you will be back to normal activities within a couple of weeks at the most, although exact recovery times do vary between patients.

Low risk

There are very few potential side-effects associated with non-surgical facelifts.

At the most, most of our patients report slight bruising and redness around the target area for a few days and very limited discomfort.

Overall, surgical facelifts are also remarkably safe, but as with any form of surgery involving general anaesthetic there are inherent risks that need to be considered.

There is also a higher chance of infection following a surgical procedure and more discomfort should be expected during recovery.

Long-lasting results

FaceTite non-surgical facelift produces results that are visible just weeks after treatment and will last for many years to come.

This will allow you to enjoy your rejuvenated appearance and get on with enjoying your life without the constant worry about the signs of aging taking their toll on your face.

The lift of confidence that a facelift can give our patients is one of the biggest reasons that we love what we do so much.
